I believe in fostering a dynamic and interactive learning environment that encourages critical thinking and practical application of knowledge. My goal is to inspire students to become independent problem-solvers and lifelong learners in the field of computer science.

Embedded Systems Design & Implementation (EMBS)

This course covers the principles and practices of embedded systems design, including real-time operating systems, hardware-software co-design, and IoT applications.

High Performance Computing Systems (HIPC)

This course explores advanced topics in high performance computing, including parallel programming models, performance optimization, and emerging architectures.

Past Modules

As a Teaching Assistant @ University of York:

2019/20SpringDesign of Analysable Real-Time Systems [DART]
2016/17FallEmbedded System Projects II [EMPR-II]
2016/17SpringEmbedded System Projects I [EMPR-I]
2016/17SummerProgrammable Microcontroller [PROM]
2015/16SummerProgrammable Microcontroller [PROM]
2016/17SpringMathematical Foundations of Computer Systems [MFCS]
2015/16SpringIntroduction to Computer Architecture [ICAR]